55 minute, one on one counselling at the down town office. The information is customised to your individual needs. To cancel an appointment, text 613-858-1432. No refund for services rendered. No refund for LATE NOTICE or NO SHOW fees. We offer refunds for services paid but not yet rendered except for any outstanding LATE NOTICE or NO SHOW fees. A refund request terminates the service contract to which the refund pertains. Other service contracts are not affected. So, with the refund request, please provide an understanding of the reason. As we want to run our business better, we appreciate and value an understanding of the reason. Thank you for your feedback.

  • Category: Business
  • Service Duration: 55 Minutes
  • Address: Unit 200, 440 Laurier Avenue Ottawa, Ontario (Map)
  • More Info: Ask reception for William Bird, Gut Feelin'
  • Price:C$130