If you are not satisfied with what you learned from this course up to three months from purchase, contact us and let us know. In exchange for a full reimbursement, we want to; see your before selfie, your weight chart, your feelings chart; read your story, and any constructive advice on how we could of served you better. We appreciate constructive advice. Two parts: Discovering your body, and Bashing Superstitions. 1. Discovering your body helps you learn what you're body is designed to eat. 2. Bashing Superstitions has 85 superstitions about food. If you do not change your beliefs about food, you will not change what you eat. Enlighten yourself about what is and isn’t true about food. Look! There is only now. If you put this off, you’ll only put it off again, and again, and again, for the rest of your days and you’ll stay the way you are. It’s worked for me. I know it will for you. Our GutFeelin’s course is made to help you. Register for the better life that you deserve, now.